Sleep over at Nanny's

Created by Rob 7 years ago
Over the past few days I have been thinking about memories I have of Mum, there are so many that I/we hold dear and will remember forever. Here are a few that will always bring a smile to my face.

I will always remember how excited Grace would get when she found out she was going for a sleep over at Nanny and Grandad's house. She would look forward to the special breakfast that Nanny would make for her. I picture returning to pick her up and seeing the den made by Nanny behind the sofa from blankets and cushions. Both Nanny and Grace sat inside surrounded by toys and nick nacks with large smiles on their faces and the room filled with laughter. She would look forward to her indoor picnic of grapes, tomatoes and a babybel that the three of them would share.

We will always remember Grace walking round the house saying "Nanny follow me" and Mum chasing after her so intently.

Grace keeps chasing butterflies round the garden as she thinks they maybe Nanny coming to visit her, she talks to them, "Hello Nanny, good morning" she says.

I like to think that Mum will be looking down on us with a big smile on her face and joy in her heart.

Thank you for all the wonderful memories Mum.

All our love

Rob, Clare, Grace and William. xxxx